• Reading Jeremiah in Africa

    "Careful, perceptive, honest, and ultimately hopeful treatment of Jeremiah in light of Africa, and of Africa in light of Jeremiah."

    Michael J. Gorman, PhD

    Raymond E. Brown Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology

    St. Mary’s Seminary & University

  • Galatians

    "Through a rich and beautiful narrative, this book brings us closer to Paul’s world and straight into the struggles of the early church."

    Dwi Maria Handayani, PhD

    Program Director, Bandung Theological Seminary, Indonesia

  • Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary

    "Well established in scholarship, as well as culturally sensitive, this commentary is readable, informative, and applicable."

    Kosta Milkov
    President of the Balkan Institute for Faith and Culture

  • Transforming Church

    "I highly recommend this book and I hope it will be used by the African church in its quest to fulfil God’s mission on the continent."

    Gift Mtukwa, PhD

    Chair of Department of School of Religion and Christian Ministry,

    Africa Nazarene University

Authors to read for Women's History Month

Expand your reading list and discover some of our authors who are ...

Head, Heart, Hand: A Balanced View of Our Missional Activity

Charles Ringma shares about theological, spiritual, and missional formation as part of his book, ...

The Wayfarer


The Wayfarer

A reflection on the global refugee crisis from an interdisciplinary perspective longlisted for the Michael Ramsey Prize. 

This book reminds us that refugees are not passive recipients but powerful examples of courage, resilience, and hope who can, in their turn, transform our nations and our faith communities for the better.

Learn More!